Play Bird Line Math

Bird Line Math - Add Up the Fun!
Welcome to a fun and educational addition game called “Bird Line Math”. In this free-to-play game, get ready to fill your nest of mathematical knowledge as you work through various levels, aiming to meet the target sums and earn points.
Game Controls
The controls are very simple. On a Computer, use the left mouse key on a bird to add its number to the equation. And on a Smartphone, tap on the bird of your choice to add it to the equation.
How To Play - Bird Line Math
This math-based game aims to help you to enhance your addition skills in an engaging and fun manner. You must strategically choose birds with numbers to reach their goals.
The game rewards you with progress and points as you advance your math understanding. The key to success is to keep adding numbers without exceeding the given number. So, hop on and start adding the fun!