Tank Wars

Tank Wars

Tank Wars - Huge war machines!

Tank Wars is an arcade action game in the casual free online games genre. Wage wars on your enemies and raze them to the ground with your gigantic war machines. Warning! It is addictive! You will play as a tank commander here. There are four difficulty levels. Easy, normal, medium, and hard. Choose one to walk on the path of glory.

Fight at 120 polygons alone or with your best friend to win, or create your own 990 battlefields. Attack and destroy enemy armored vehicles to achieve victory. Do not forget to defend your base in the heat of the battles. Its destruction leads to the failure of your entire mission. On the way, your company will also meet dangerous mini-bosses, victory over which will not be easy. For the performance shown during the battle, you will be awarded medals.

Your exploits will not be forgotten and will be recorded. Your opponents are well-armed, so try to use both terrains as camouflage and protection. Bonuses on the battlefield will help improve weapons. Turn enemies into the wreckage. Mow trees, drown enemy tanks, and turn ice water into ice for ferrying.

This game will make you feel like a real tanker.

As a war veteran running into the desert terrains, muddy battlefields, and cold rivers in his armored vehicle. You will face the challenges that soldiers do during an intense battle. But, the struggle shall not be easy. So, survive the upcoming shells driven from enemy tanks by hiding behind any object, improving your own weapons, and becoming a deadly company of the brigade.

This game can be played by two players on one device, ensuring superb graphics quality. For player 1, Use W, A, S, D to move the tank and spacebar to shoot. For player 2, use arrow keys to move and num 0 key to shoot. So, mount up, boys! To the battle station! And Good luck!!

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